Frankenstein Goes Nuclear
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:24 AM
Ehud "Frankenstein" Olmert is in Europe, where he is drumming up support for "more decisive measures" against Iran. He is in Germany, because Germany is the key to Europe and its current Chancellor, Angela "gaga" Merkel appears willing to say and to do anything that Olmert wants, and to swallow whole all the false premises and fantasies which underpin Israeli policy.
Like G.W. Bush, Merkel keeps talking about how urgent it is to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, when there is no indication that Iran is seeking such weapons. What a wonderful whipping boy Iran has become for the mountebanks of the West like Bush, Blair, Cheney and Merkel. Olmert is openly threatening to launch a "preemptive" attack against Iran, and neither Berlin nor Washington has said a word to dissuade this war criminal from doing it.
Indeed, months ago, Dick Cheney, the man calling the shots at the White House, stated that he would understand if Israel launched such an attack. So the ground-work has been set; the green light has been given by Washington, like it was when Olmert bombed the hell out of Lebanon.
Meanwhile, Olmert has just admitted in Germany (see below) what everybody already knows but refuses to bring up for fear of creating a problem, to wit, that Tel Aviv possesses nuclear weapons, and plenty of them. Thanks to Berlin and Washington, Tel Aviv also has formidable and independent means to deliver these weapons anywhere in the Middle East. I am referring to German U-boats and American cruise missiles and America's most advanced warplanes. From a strategic point of view, it is perfectly understandable, therefore, that Iran might want to acquire nuclear weapons to offset those of Israel, and this could be a rational reason for concern in the capitals of Christendom.
But the fact is, the Mullahs in Iran have stated unequivocally and repeatedly that nuclear weapons are against the tenets of Islam and that Iran does not want, seek or need nuclear weapons--only nuclear power for electricity. There is no evidence to the contrary from the experts in Vienna. One wonders if the Mullahs might change their minds after an Israeli attack.
Still, Tehran keeps doing the unexpected, taking the initiative, like hosting a scholarly and scientific conference to examine the Holocaust--to answer the simple question, what actually happened?--and its relationship to the Zionist take-over of Palestine. Tony Blair, that nincompoop and social climber, is ready to have a cow. And Tehran continues to champion the lost cause of the Palestinians, while the EU and Washington embargoes them. As such, Tehran is a thorn in the side of Pax Israeliana and of Zionists operatives worldwide.
Why, exactly? Tehran is no military threat to Tel Aviv. The problem is, the gentlemen in Tehran ask embarrassing questions. That is it. The danger for Tel Aviv is that Tehran prefers to deal with reality, whereas Tel Aviv's surrogates in the West have been trained to accept fantasy, false premises and double standards. The "strategic ambiguity" question in regards Tel Aviv's nuclear arsenal is a prime example.
Olmert has been criticized for letting the cat out of the bag, to wit, stating the facts. By letting the cat out of the bag, perhaps now Washington and Europe will be forced to deal with reality. Quelle horreur! Washington and Europe live in a make-believe world when it comes to Tel Aviv, the Palestinians, and the Middle East at large. Such pathetic and goofy characters like Bush, Cheney, Merkel and Blair want to keep it that way. It is a world they know well. It has been their ticket to success.
Der Spiegel, Tuesday, December 12th, 2006
Olmert Under Fire For Implying
Israel Has Nukes
Deliberately or unwittingly, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has broken with Israel's decades-old tradition of keeping quiet about whether it has nuclear weapons. His comments in an interview with a German TV station at the start of his three-day visit to Europe have prompted resignation calls from opposition politicians in Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert got himself into trouble by implying for the first time that Israel has nuclear weapons. His indirect admission has overshadowed his visit to Germany and Italy during which he is expected to urge a tougher European response to Iran's nuclear ambitions.
In an interview with the private SAT1 television network broadcast on Monday, Olmert contrasted Iran's policy with that of "civilised countries" that possessed nuclear weapons. Asked if Israel's alleged nuclear capability weakened the case against Iran's nuclear program, Olmert said: "Iran, openly, explicitly and publicly threatens to wipe Israel off the map. Can you say that this is the same level, when they are aspiring to have nuclear weapons, as America, France, Israel, Russia?"
Israeli officials rapidly denied Olmert had ended Israel's traditional "strategic ambiguity" about a nuclear programme. Olmert's spokeswoman, Miri Eisin, said he did not mean to say that Israel had or aspired to acquire atomic weapons.
It remains unclear if Olmert's admission was intentional or not. Back in Israel, politicians attacked Olmert. Yuval Steinitz, a member of parliament for the opposition conservative Likud party, called on Olmert to resign his post following "a series of problematic security-related slips of the tongue."
"His unfortunate statement in Germany damages 50 years of Israel's policy of ambiguity," said Steinitz. He added: "A prime minister who cannot control his statements on sensitive matters of security must resign and leave the keys."
The chairman of the left-wing Meretz-Yahad opposition party, Yossi Beilin, called Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's comments "recklessness bordering on abandon. I doubt if this is someone who deserves to serve as prime minister," he said.
Olmert is on a three-day trip to Germany and Italy where aides said he would press Europe to take tougher measures to stop what Israel fears are efforts by Iran to develop nuclear weapons.
Tehran says its nuclear program is designed solely to generate electricity. Israel is widely believed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, although officials have refused to confirm or deny that in the past.
Olmert told DER SPIEGEL in an interview that he expected "more dramatic steps" from Europe to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear potential. He said "I rule nothing out" when asked if he could rule out an Israeli military strike against Tehran.
In his television interview, Olmert referred to the Holocaust to press his case for Germany to step up measures against Iran's nuclear program. He said Germany "may have economic interests (with Iran), but you have much deeper and more fundamental moral obligations to yourselves, your past and your future. And no one will be able to avoid it, and get away with it. No-one. Certainly not the German people."
[Comment: what exactly is Olmert trying to say here? Is he threatening Germany? --That the Germans will pay, and "will not be able to get away with it" if they do not do what Olmert wants them to do?! That's the way it sounds.]
Germany, with France and Britain, is a member of the so-called EU3 group that acted on behalf of the European Union and negotiated a suspension of Iran's nuclear enrichment in 2003, but that deal collapsed in August 2005. Olmert's visit to Germany, and planned talks in Italy with Prime Minister Romano Prodi on Wednesday, coincides with planning for a new EU drive to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
Merkel, who met Olmert on Monday and is holding further talks with him on Tuesday, has announced plans for a new Middle East peace effort when Germany takes over the rotating presidency of the EU from Finland in January. She said on Sunday that positive signals coming from Israel should be used to make progress towards securing peace.