Forget Wikileaks... Here come the Palestinian Papers
Monday, January 24, 2011 5:31 AM
Someone decided to leak 10 years worth of behind-the-scenes documents from the Mideast "peace process" scam. We already knew the process was a scam on behalf of Tel Aviv and its world-wide networks of supporters. The document dump provides further confirmation. In addition, it demonstrates the dramatic extent of Palestinian Authority complicity in the scam. Please find below the initial report and reaction from Middle East expert, Professor Juan Cole.
This is a blockbuster development. Even I am surprised. The hypocrisy and toadyism of the PA leadership--President Mahmoud Abbas and chief negotiator Saeb Erekat--is stupefying. But before we are too harsh on them, it should be noted that the Palestinians have been thrown to the dogs by America and Europe--and are therefore in a very difficult position. As I have often pointed out, the Palestinians have little or nothing to negotiate with. They are a conquered people at the mercy of determined fanatics, the international Zionists who are holding all the cards. Once the PA renounced any sort of resistance, either active or passive, to the occupation, there was nothing left to talk about but the terms of their surrender. That is what the "peace process" amounted to.
What do the documents say about the Americans? This is most important. Again, as noted in previous missives, there has been essentially one American policy on Palestine going back decades. It is dictated by the Israel Lobby and domestic politics. The White House and State Department sat on their hands, while Tel Aviv made more and more demands on the powerless Palestinians. As the Palestinians of Fatah caved in, leaders of the "Jewish State" demanded yet more. The Americans--the alleged "honest brokers"--did nothing to stop the process for fear of incurring Jewish displeasure. It was the ballot box and the bank balance for campaign contributions which determined foreign policy, not principle or the best interests of America.
So the negotiations were a charade without end, as the Zionists stole more Arab land and water. That, of course, was the plan. Now the situation on the ground is impossible from a human rights and international law perspective. This is an American scandal, first and foremost. Secondarily, it is a European scandal. The Europeans know what is going on, but do nothing. They are worthless. The Palestinians have no power; they are out of it. It is the Zionists in Tel Aviv, New York and Washington who are in the driver's seat. Even if there were some kind of one-sided agreement signed by the PA, agreeing to Jewish dictates, which the PA seems willing to do, the result would be an explosion by the Palestinians in the streets. Another Tunisia. In effect, both the PA and Washington are underlings of Tel Aviv.
Incidentally, my suspicion is that Tel Aviv did the leaking. We are in an endgame. Tel Aviv may feel that the PA is wandering off the reservation with its recent campaign to get international recognition for a Palestinian state followed by the possibility of placing the matter before the UN. The "Palestinian Papers" destroy the PA in the eyes of the Palestinians and the Arabs generally. The PA is shown to be shameless collaborators in the occupation.
Arab support will now gravitate to Hamas, which after all is the legitimate and legally elected leadership of the Palestinians anyway. That would be a reasonable development, except for one fact. Hamas has been declared a terrorist organization by Washington. It can't be dealt with in any capacity. Ergo, we are left in the arms of our charming "allies", the Zionist Jews occupying Palestine. And we are left mindlessly fighting the same "war on terror" together. Get the picture?
Also, see here and here and here.
Aljazeerah’s Leaks Reveal Sham ‘Peace Process’
and Israeli Stonewalling by Professor Juan Cole
The Qatar satellite channel Aljazeera has gotten hold of some 1600 documents from the Palestine Authority regarding negotiations with Israel, which cast the Israelis, the Americans and the Fatah faction of Palestinians in the worst possible light. The leaked documents were shared exclusively with The Guardian newspaper.
The documents could well destroy the Palestine Liberation Organization, a coalition of parties that includes Fatah, which is led by Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Among the politicians who comes off the worst in these documents is Saeb Erekat. The Palestinian Authority is revealed as feeble as a kitten. Like a a spurned suitor, Erekat kept offering the Israelis more and more, and they kept rejecting his overtures.
The documents have frank admissions. Tzipi Livni said:
“Israel takes more land [so] that the Palestinian state will be impossible . . . the Israel policy is to take more and more land day after day and that at the end of the day we’ll say that is impossible, we already have the land and we cannot create the state”. She conceded that it had been “the policy of the government for a really long time”.
Although she said that in 2007 the Olmert government was not following this policy, she admitted some parties were. And, of course, in February 2009, parties came to power that would not so much as give Palestinians a glass of water.
Saeb Erekat, an old-time Fatah operative, is in trouble because he is revealed to have offered the Israelis much of East Jerusalem. He is also said to have been convinced by the Israelis that the future Palestinian state would not have an army, air force or navy (i.e. it would lack sovereignty over its own territory and would only be an ersatz state). Even then, the Israelis kept demanding more and more.
Erekat’s enemies, the Hamas movement based mainly in Gaza, are using the revelations to paint him as a traitor to the Palestinian and indeed the Muslim cause. I saw him on Aljazeera, where he was very defensive. London-based journalist Abdel Bari Atwan let him have it with both barrels.
Erekat and other Fatah leaders are accusing Aljazeera of forging the documents and of attempting to scuttle the Palestine Authorities’ plan to go to the United Nations to get an international resolution against ever-expanding Israeli colonies.
But even PA loyalists like attorney Diana Buttu have called for Erekat’s resignation in the wake of the revelations.
The Fatah-dominated Palestine Authority has long been regarded as corrupt and authoritarian by many Palestinians, not to mention wusses when it came to dealing with Israel. These documents demonstrate that its leaders were willing to give away just about anything to have a state they could preside over, even something that was only a state in name.
I’m not sure that Fatah can survive being discredited to this extent. Nor, likely, can the American farce of a ‘peace process’ or a ‘two-state solution.’ (The state Erekat was trying to get would have no sovereignty, as he admitted, which means it would not be a state and the entire end goal is a chimera).
As for the Americans, Condi Rice is said to have told the Palestinians (with regard to their mass expulsion in 1948 and their loss of statehood) that lots of peoples have had bad things happen to them. But ‘lots of peoples’ don’t have nearly 5 million stateless people currently. Stateless people have no real rights. They are not citizens.
The Nazis prepared for their move against the Jews by first stripping them of German citizenship. That gave denaturalizing people a bad name. There are only a few million stateless people in the world now, and the biggest group of them is the Palestinians.
(No, illegal aliens and frustrated sub-nationalists are not like the stateless. The illegals have a state, to which they are sometimes deported. The sub-nationalists may not like the citizenship they hold, but they do have passports, property rights that a judge will back up, etc. The Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and Lebanon, plus about 130,000 in Jordan, have bupkus).