Theatre of the Absurd in Washington

Thursday, May 9, 2024 8:55 PM

Dear Friends + Interlocutors,

This nuttiness has got to end somewhere. Biden’s sanctimonious, self-serving speech last Tuesday at Washington’s Holocaust Memorial reads like a handout from the ADL or AIPAC. Which is another way of saying it was blatant propaganda on behalf of Israel. We have to swallow it or else we are antisemitic. 

The student protests on college campuses do not represent a “ferocious surge of antisemitism” in America as Biden proclaimed. That is a deliberate distortion and fantasy. There is very little antisemitism in America and certainly not on ivy league college campuses. 

The way Biden portrays the current state of affairs, it implies a pre-existing underground reservoir of antisemitism which was ignited by the Hamas attack of October 7th, then surfaced and surged. Does anyone believe that? Must we live in a make-believe world conjured up by career politicians?

Similar to the Democrat reaction to the George Floyd riots, where a majority of white Americans were unjustly assumed to be anti-black, now they are being slandered as anti-Jewish due to the fact that college students are demonstrating against the genocide of Palestinian refugees in Gaza and Joe Biden's support of that slaughter. 

The students—white, black, Gentile and Jew—are denouncing the joint actions of Tel Aviv and Washington in Gaza. This does not make the protesters “antisemitic” or a danger to Jews. This makes them idealistic and humanitarians. The demonstrations are perfectly understandable.

The protests have been explained in Judge Napolitano’s recent interview of John Mearsheimer. There is nothing mysterious or complicated about it. By following the Israel Lobby party line, Joe Biden and the Democrat establishment are simply seeking its critical support in an election year. 

Ditto for the Christian Zionist Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, and for the other mindless Republican hawks on Capitol Hill, not to mention Donald Trump. This is nothing new. Biden and the Republicans are trying to outdo one another in a Presidential election year. It is an embarrassing spectacle which will undoubtedly get worse.  
