Dr. Wolfowitz Surfaces
Friday, December 9, 2005 7:25 AM
It is the old story: should one laugh or cry? Paul "WMD" Wolfowitz has surfaced at last, after spending an undisclosed amount of time in the purgatory of sub-Saharan Africa, searching out new opportunities for the World Bank, as it is called. Carefully read the item below, but only if you do not have a blood pressure problem and are a very tolerant individual.
The World Bank President proclaims, in so many words, that he is not accountable for his previous lifetime in the employment of the U.S. Government, when he was the #2 civilian in charge at the Pentagon, plotting Wolfowitz's War. He has, like that other patriot Douglas Feith, the #3 operative at the same institution, left the building--leaving the egomaniacal, highly overrated Don Rumsfeld as the lone surviving lightning rod.
Wolfowitz strongly hints that he may well have been hoodwinked and made the victim of the U.S. intelligence community, which fed him misinformation. Can you believe it? If he and G.W. Bush had only known that there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and/or gotten some sort of iron-clad guarantee from someone that WMD never would have been utilized, then Washington might not have waged war against Iraq for the second time in little more than a decade. Do you follow that?
If you believe it, I have a magnificent bridge at the mouth of San Francisco Bay which I want to sell you at a steep discount. Please understand (see below) Wolfowitz does not, according to him, work for the U.S. Government anymore and, in any case, he was outside the intelligence community during the preparation for Wolfowitz's War. Ergo, he had nothing to do with the bad intelligence he acted upon, much of it manufactured by his sidekick Douglas Feith down the hall.
Like poor Judith Miller, late of the NY Times, Wolfowitz is so sorry that the U.S. intelligence community got is all wrong. Boo-hoo! But everything is fine and dandy now. Paul "WMD" Wolfowitz gets a free pass, as does Feith and Miller. Bet your bottom dollar that the Jerusalem Post's Man of the Year for 2003 will not be asked to explain himself by lawmakers on Capital Hill. They, like Bush, Cheney and the former Deputy Defense Secretary have far too much to hide in this grand conspiracy. Hang together or hang separately.
Wolfowitz Says Iraq War Might Not Have Occurred
if United States Knew Hussein Had No WMD
Thursday, December 8th, 2005
Former U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said yesterday that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq might not have occurred if the United States had known there were no weapons of mass destruction in the country, Agence France-Presse reported.
“I'm not sure based on the evidence we know now that we could have been absolutely convinced that there was no danger, absolutely no danger,” Wolfowitz, a chief promoter of the invasion who is now president of the World Bank, said at the National Press Club. “If somebody could have given you a Lloyd’s of London guarantee that weapons of mass destruction would not possibly be used, one would have contemplated much more support for internal Iraqi opposition and not having the United States take the job on the way we did.”
“It was a sense that the greatest danger in taking this man on would be that he would use them,” said Wolfowitz of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. “If you could have given us a guarantee that they wouldn't have been used, there would have been policy options available probably.” [What the hell is he saying? Is this nonsense decipherable?]
When asked how he accounted for U.S. intelligence failures before the war, Wolfowitz said, “Well, I don't have to, and it's not just because I don't work for the U.S. government anymore. In my old job, I didn't have to. I was like everyone else outside the intelligence community”
Meanwhile, the United States joined Algeria in calling for the U.N. Security Council to end U.N. weapons inspections in Iraq, the Associated Press reported. U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission inspectors were forced to leave the country before the March 2003 invasion. The agency since the war began has only reviewed satellite imagery to monitor equipment that could be used by the military.
“We believe that Iraq has entered a new era and should be treated as a normal country where disarmament conventions should apply,” said Abdallah Baali, Algeria’s U.N. ambassador. U.S. Ambassador John Bolton [ha, ha] and other delegates supported Baali’s statement, AP reported. The Security Council agreed to address the matter early next year, said British Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry.