Emanuel and Axelrod have left the Building
Thursday, October 7, 2010 11:39 PM
When you peruse the Jewish Telegraphic Agency's website, it is comparable to reading Pravda at the height of the Cold War. Just substitute Israel, international Zionism and the Israel Lobby for the USSR, the international Communist movement and Marxism. Different times, different challenges. Here's the link to a recent article (October 5th) entitled «With Emanuel and Axelrod gone, will the Jews have access to Obama?» One has to wonder, why did Rahm Emanuel actually leave? As for David Axelrod, his departure from the White House staff proper to preside over Obama's 2012 reelection campaign only confirms a national scandal: that it now takes a good two years to run for President, even for a sitting President. What a waste of time and money. At the end of the day, it all boils down to money, to wit, campaign contributions and the big lobbies. In essence, racketeering and bribery.
Here's a few priceless, eye-opening quotes from the JTA article:
Item: "With Emanuel now in Chicago running for mayor and Axelrod set to leave early next year to run Obama’s re-election campaign, access won’t otherwise change, Jewish organizational officials across the board said. “Axelrod's roll for being a key conduit for taking advice from Jewish leaders will presumably continue when he has a political hat, not a government hat,” said William Daroff, who directs the Washington office of the Jewish Federations of North America. Additionally, Obama’s official liaison to the community, Susan Sher, is still on the job -- as chief of staff to Michelle Obama, the first lady, she occupies a fairly senior post."
Item: "Despite those troubles, some Jewish organizational leaders were baffled by a view prevalent in the Netanyahu government that Emanuel somehow had guided Obama down a path that was hostile to Netanyahu. Emanuel, in fact, had little to nothing to do with formulating Middle East policy, although he did take a role in selling it -- most recently when he met with Netanyahu over the summer on his son’s bar mitzvah trip.
Furthermore, the two individuals now running the policy in the White House -- National Security Council staffers Daniel Shapiro and Dennis Ross -- are sensitive to Jewish concerns. “Rahm was not running Middle East policy,” [Nathan] Diament [Washington Office of the Orthodox Union] said. “Dennis Ross and Dan Shapiro are still there.”
Dennis Ross is a long-time Zionist operative. Dan Shapiro has been called the NSC's top Middle East expert, which is to say, another operative.