Mohamed ElBaradei

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 10:06 AM

Nice little item below which speaks volumes about U.S. and Israel.  Some of it is true. Yes, Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein of New York City and TelAviv is indeed one of the most influential Jewish/Zionist leaders in America. He is certainly the most important one in New York.

But no, despite what you have read in the newspapers and heard on the T.V., Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. Therefore, Mohamed ElBaradei could obviously not have covered that program up, as Mr. Hoenlein proclaims.

Yes, ElBaradei does urge dialogue between Tehran and Washington, not confrontation. Oh, the horror. Yes, ElBaradei did state that there was insufficient evidence of WMD in Iraq and was quietly urging the Cheney-Bush Administration to rethink its invasion plans for Iraq. As we know, notwithstanding his wise advice, the White House launched an unprovoked, unfunded, three-trillion-dollar war in Iraq.  

Naturally, Israeli agents like Hoenlein hate ElBaradei, and it shows. The down-to-earth former head of the IAEA tells the truth too often for his own good. Who knows? People might start listening to him and others like him. In that case, they would be ignoring the steady drumbeat of Zionist propaganda which blankets America and Europe. What a tragedy for the status quo.

Hoenlein believes his own lies; or more precisely, the truth and the lie are indistinguishable and irrelevant to him. All that matters is advancing the enterprise of Zion, no matter what. This is one of the characteristics which unites the Zionists today with the Communists of yesteryear. Whatever advances the cause is good, truth or lie. Note that the history of Communism and Zionism have much in common. 

It seems to me that ElBaradei is the logical choice to head an interim leadership of Egypt, at least until the country can overcome its convulsions and return to what passes as normal. What we should really hope to see out of all this is the secret history of Egypt under Mubarak, as he awaits his fate in a prison cell. But that is asking too much. Too many officials in Washington, Cairo and Tel Aviv would be implicated.

Talk about being a stooge. Mubarak is an extraordinary stooge which Hoenlein greatly appreciates. The blowup of Egypt under this stooge represents yet another ghastly failure of American foreign policy--that is to say, American foreign policy as determined by Tel Aviv and its U.S. agents. In this way, the blowup of Egypt has something in common with the U.S. invasion of Iraq. In the meantime, I'm waiting to hear word from Salama A. Salama, the wise man of Egypt. Al-Ahram online has been shut down, along with everything else.

Update: February 23rd, 2011: The Financial Times. “My vision for the next phase of Egypt’s revolution” by Mohamed ElBaradei.


Egypt's Mohamed ElBaradei A 'Stooge,'

Says American Jewish Leader

[Politics Daily dot com, January 31st, 2011]

Even as the Egyptian opposition to beleaguered President Hosni Mubarak is rallying around Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei, a top spokesman on foreign affairs for the American Jewish community has derided ElBaradei as a "stooge of Iran."

Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and one of the most influential Jewish voices in the United States, said ElBaradei covered up evidence of Iran's nuclear weapons program while he was head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog.

"He is a stooge of Iran, and I don't use the term lightly," Hoenlein said in an online recorded interview with Yeshiva World News on the Egyptian crisis. "He fronted for them, he distorted the reports."

Hoenlein's comments were reported Monday by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

The remarks come at a precarious moment in the Egyptian crisis, and could complicate the diplomatic balancing act not only by the United States but also by Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his first official comments on the situation on Monday and said that Israel's chief goal was to maintain "stability and security in our region."

"I remind you that the peace between Israel and Egypt has endured for over three decades, and our goal is to ensure that these relations continue," Netanyahu said.

ElBaradei, who directed the IAEA from 1997 to 2009, is popular in Europe and among many in the Middle East, but he was a thorn in the side of the Bush administration because he opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, arguing there was insufficient evidence that Baghdad had weapons of mass destruction. Subsequent events vindicated ElBaradei's views.

ElBaradei pressured Iran on its nuclear program but also urged the West to engage the Islamic republic. U.S. agencies reportedly monitored his communications to see if he was colluding with Iran but came up with nothing.