Climate change could make red hair a thing of the past
Saturday, July 5, 2014
As a person who is crazy about redheads, I mean female redheads, I have decided to jump ship and become a climate change believer! If there is any chance that "climate change" or "global warming" or whatever you want to call it will lead to a decline in redheads, then I'm against it! (See article below from Scotland.)
In this regard, I still say we must ground Air Force One as an example. I've said that before somewhat in jest, but now I am not joking. Let's start there. This good example may lead to a drastic, world-wide decline in jet travel. That’s a downside for jetsetters like myself. No matter. The flip-side will be an increase in transatlantic oceans liners. Among other things, it will mean a renaissance of the North Atlantic route from New York to Southampton, Le Havre and Hamburg! Only now, the ships can be equipped with atomic or solar power. Go green! (The Germans can provide the solar panels.)
We must think positive. Give the redheads every chance there may be. My old photographer friend David Hamilton used to call redheads "the blonds of the gods". In other words, goddesses. In the meantime and from now on, anybody found throwing anything overboard, especially a plastic bottle, from one of these ocean liners (or from any other boat or tanker) should be bastinadoed! Redhead problem or not, global warming or not, that rule should be in effect right now.

REDHEADS could become extinct as Scotland gets sunnier, experts have claimed.
The gene that causes red hair is thought to be an evolutionary response to the lack of sun in Scotland.
Redhead colouring allows people to get the maximum vitamin D from what little sun there is.
Only one to two per cent of the world’s population has red hair but in Scotland the figure is about 13 per cent, or 650,000 people.
However, the figure could fall dramatically – and even see redheads die out completely in a few centuries – if predictions that the country’s climate is set to become much sunnier are true.
Dr Alistair Moffat, boss of genetic testing company ScotlandsDNA, said: “We think red hair in Scotland, Ireland and the north of England is adaptation to the climate. We do not get enough sun and have to get all the vitamin D we can.
“If it was to get less cloudy and there was more sun, there would be fewer people carrying the gene.”
Another scientist, who asked not to be named because of the theoretical nature of the work, said: “I think the gene is slowly dying out. Climate change could see a decline in the number of people with red hair in Scotland.”
Canadian comic Shawn Hitchins, who led a ginger pride march in Edinburgh last year, said: “It seems like everyone is coming up with new ways to eradicate the gingers.”