Criminal Insanity

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 9:21 PM

Friends + Interlocutors,

The present blowup in the Middle East should be put in context. A little article of mine from 2008, Criminal Insanity, may help to do this. Washington’s role in the drama has been central. Enable, empower, pander.

There is a perfect storm of circumstances propelling events at the moment. 

(1) A Presidential election year in the U.S. means Israel has a free hand to do whatever it wants no matter how outrageous. 

(2) The sitting POTUS, a self-proclaimed Zionist, is mentally impaired and a nullity. 

(3) The Israeli government is composed of the most openly crazy fanatics so far. 

(4) Their front-man, Bibi Netanyahoo, is the biggest con-man in recorded history and has a special connection to the U.S.
