«2012 Blog Entries»

[Copyright 2012 Patrick Foy]

Alerts & Comments

on the Passing Scene...

Senator Chuck Hagel on the Hot Seat

Monday, December 17, 2012
Senator Chuck Hagel on the Hot Seat

Neocon hatchet-woman Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post is having a big fat cow over the possible Chuck Hagel nomination to be Secretary of Defense. (See below.) She has plenty of company. It is all about Israel of course....

Please Don't Let "Friends" Get Nuked

Sunday, October 21, 2012
Please Don't Let Friends Get Nuked

Driving down the I-95 corridor yesterday, I came across this charming billboard planted at the affluent condo-and-mall community of Aventura in north Miami. [Friends don’t let friends get Nuked. Stop Obama!] It is part...

The Make-Believe Crisis

Monday, October 1, 2012
The Make-Believe Crisis


What if the White House were deliberately misleading America and the world about a major foreign policy issue involving war and peace, would it not be something...

The God Particle and Croquet at CERN

Sunday, July 8, 2012
The God Particle and Croquet at CERN

As you may have heard, the geniuses at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) in Geneva, Switzerland, have recently discovered the so-called God Particle. The practical consequences of this momentous development...

Iran Demands Relief From Sanctions

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Iran Demands Relief From Sanctions

Solid, informative article below from Frontline, Tehran Bureau. My emphasis in red.

Up against a concerted and relentless Washington/Tel Aviv campaign to destabilize Iran,...

Are they really America's Wars?

Monday, June 4, 2012
Are they really America's Wars?

William Pfaff has written another insightful column about American foreign policy from his redoubt in Paris. Pfaff has had a long and distinguished career as a foreign policy commentator, coming out of Radio Free Europe...

Is the German Gold Really there?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Is the German Gold Really there?

Interesting article today from Der Spiegel concerning the gold reserves of Germany deposited in America. (See below.) It turns out that a lot of  German gold is parked in lower Manhattan in the basement vaults of the Federal...

Colin Powell: Iraq War Never Debated

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Colin Powell: Iraq War Never Debated

I'm still stunned by the Iraq War, in particular, the run-up to it. More information has just surfaced from Colin Powell, the nominal Secretary of State for G. W. Bush at the time. See below, and be sure to watch the facetious...

Argentinian Olympic Advert Twists the Lion's Tail

Friday, May 4, 2012
Argentinian Olympic Advert Twists the Lion's Tail

Watch the video. England, clear out of Argentina!  

Long live Argentina and the Monroe Doctrine. No European colonization or interference in the Americas. No more cant and...

Bob Simon's Report on Palestinian Christians

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Bob Simon's Report on Palestinian Christians

The link below concerns the recent "60 Minutes" segment regarding Christian Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation. It may come as an eye-opener for many who have chosen not to pay attention and go with the...

PBS Frontline Suggests A New Financial Disaster

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
PBS Frontline Suggests A New Financial Disaster

By chance I came across the PBS Frontline program last night. See the article below from the Huffington Post. The Wall Street crisis of 2007/08 happened on the Cheney/Bush/Greenspan watch. The mess was handed off to Barack...

Breaking a German Taboo

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Breaking a German Taboo

Salama A. Salama, the wise man of Egypt, comments on the Günter Grass controversy in a short article in Al-Ahram. The German Nobel Laureate dared to criticize the current state of affairs in Israel.


Papa Netanyahu and the Fate of Palestinians

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Papa Netanyahu and the Fate of Palestinians

Please find below further proof that Washington--capital of the "lone surviving Superpower" and presumed leader of the "free world"--is in bed with  monsters and con men. A very sad state of affairs.


Massive Wealth Destruction

Monday, April 2, 2012
Massive Wealth Destruction

Interesting article and video on CNBC business channel. The interview is interrupted, but then continues. Worthwhile. Marc Faber is Swiss. Click on the link to watch the video.



Panetta says Iran not building Nukes!

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Panetta says Iran not building Nukes!

Forgot to post this item over two months ago. Interesting and rare discussion between grown-ups in Washington, D.C. Watch the video. From January 11th, 2012. Obama is such a complete waste of time; the Republicans are no...

Bribing Israel

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Bribing Israel

Is it any wonder, at this point in history, that the United States of America is deemed to be a client state of Israel? It is no exaggeration. It is a national scandal which no one talks about. Certainly not in Washington.


The Reasons for Attacking Iran

Friday, March 16, 2012
The Reasons for Attacking Iran

Gwynne Dyer is an excellent journalist and international affairs commentator. Read what he has to say about the current prospects for an attack upon Iran.



Mike Scheuer talks War with Iran

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Mike Scheuer talks War with Iran

A real eye-opener. It ain't Fox News. It's Russian TV! A young woman with great legs has done her homework. 

The topic is war with Iran and the American Zionist Lobby. The...

The Charade Continues

Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Charade Continues

Mr. Tom Friedman, chief foreign policy pundit at the New York Times, wants us to know that Barack Obama is Israel's best friend. "The only question I have," Friedman ruminates in his intriguing op-ed of March 7th, "...is...

Obama vs. Netanyahu

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Obama vs. Netanyahu

Below please find an important op-ed article by Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in the Financial Times from yesterday. They are advising President Barack Obama how to deal with Bibi Netanyahoo over the Iranian...

Ayatollah Khamenei vs. Washington

Sunday, March 4, 2012
Ayatollah Khamenei vs. Washington

It is a sad day, actually a sickening day, when you realize that the leaders of certain countries, who are routinely proclaimed to be demons and enemies of the United States by the White House and the U.S. Congress and...

You pay for U.S. and EU oil sanctions

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
You pay for U.S. and EU oil sanctions

Both my progressive, liberal acquaintances and those of the country club Republican persuasion generally concur that what is actually behind U.S. foreign policy in the greater Middle East is oil--not the promotion of democracy...

Hawks should vote for Obama

Friday, February 17, 2012
Hawks should vote for Obama

It just tickles me when my Country Club Republican friends bash Obama. I get the impression from them--and from Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Ricky Santorum and from the rest of the "conservative" wing-nuts in circulation--that...

Mr. David Harris to the Box

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Mr. David Harris to the Box

Click here to see an interesting television interview on French24 news. The man being interviewed in Paris is David Harris, who is the executive director of the American Jewish Committee. My question is, for whom is he...

The irony of non-existent Iranian nukes

Friday, February 3, 2012
The irony of non-existent Iranian nukes

Orchestrated by Israel and its friends, frontmen and agents in the U.S., the fake crisis over Iran is heating up fast. The hypocrisy and double-standards at play here are beyond category. This is a crisis generated by American...

Iran in the Crosshairs

Monday, January 30, 2012
Iran in the Crosshairs

[Taki’s Magazine]

Our backslapping Peace Prize President devoted a few choice words to Iran during his long-winded pep rally last Wednesday night in Washington. I'm referring...

An amazing collection of stupidity

Monday, January 23, 2012
An amazing collection of stupidity

Here's an enlightening and sometimes humorous video from exactly two months ago. A critique of the Republican foreign policy "debates".  In the meantime, four of the Presidential candidates have mercifully dropped out....

Urination and Umbrage

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Urination and Umbrage

[Taki’s Magazine]

Should we seek the larger and deeper meaning in the YouTube video where U.S. Marines are seen urinating upon the dead bodies of Taliban combatants in the...

Santorum to the Box

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Santorum to the Box

Rupert Murdoch and those gullible, brain-dead Republicans have finally found their anti-Mitt Romney candidate for President. It is the former Senator from Pennsylvania, the baby-faced Rick Santorum. He may still be wet...