«2005 Blog Entries»
Alerts and Unsolicited Comments on the Passing Scene in 2005
[Copyright 2005 Patrick Foy]
Presidential Pep Talk
Earlier this evening, speaking from the Oval Office, G. W. Bush informed his fellow citizens that "we are winning in Iraq". Maybe so, but what does that mean? It all depends on how the word "winning" is defined. For me,...
Cui Bono?
Why didn't Washington invade China instead? When is Washington going to invade China, and why not? Unlike Iraq, China has plenty of genuine "weapons of mass destruction" and no democracy, to boot. China needs democracy,...
Dr. Wolfowitz Surfaces

It is the old story: should one laugh or cry? Paul "WMD" Wolfowitz has surfaced at last, after spending an undisclosed amount of time in the purgatory of sub-Saharan Africa, searching out new opportunities for the World...
Wolfowitz is Invisible

Why would Paul Wolfowitz (See below) want to leave his #2 position at the Pentagon before Washington's job in Iraq was completed? Since he viewed that project as so all-important, why would he not want to see it through...
Howard Dean to the Box

Here (see below) is a revealing--or should I say confirming?--article on the American liberal website CounterPunch.org about Dr. Howard Dean, M.D., former governor of Vermont, former front-running Democratic candidate for...
U-Boats to Tel Aviv

According to the article below, that will make five of the world's most advanced German-built U-boats--armed with nuclear cruise missiles, on patrol in the Mediterranean and in the Persian Gulf--to be part of the Israeli...
EU Ministers Deep-Six Critical Report

What a surprise. (See below.) Two "top diplomats representing the 25 EU governments" in Jerusalem write a factual report telling the story about what has been going on in greater Jerusalem for years--which activities...
The London Cage

Albion Perfide. Torture is in the news. When you are "the good guys", you are entitled to do anything, no matter how depraved, including running torture chambers in the heart of London. (See below.) This was the general...
The Biscuit

Remember Hudson, the scrupulously honest, arch-conservative British butler of "Upstairs, Downstairs" at 165 Eaton Place? When a member of his staff or somebody "above stairs" did something which he regarded as truly reprehensible,...
Senator Bob Graham Returns

Herewith another straw in the wind, an important but under-reported item concerning the former U.S. Senator from Florida, Bob Graham, who now teaches at Harvard. As mentioned on page 206 of The Unauthorized World Situation...
The Can Opener
It ain't over by a long shot. The indictment of Irving Libby, Esq., Vice President Dick Cheney's majordomo, is the opening gambit. Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, his associates and the FBI know, or at least strongly...
Wilma's Shock and Awe
Without electrical power, you are already half-way back to the Middle Ages, since almost everything now depends upon it, including putting gasoline into your car. For 3 days I've been without power due to hurricane Wilma....
Cheney is the Target

The chickens are coming home to roost, to coin a phrase. Interesting "connecting-the-dots" report below indicates that the buck stops with Dick Cheney, the Regent, the Vice President of the U.S., President of the Senate,...
Imploding President

It is happening. Bush and his Administration are imploding. The implosion has actually been going on for several months in slow motion and almost unnoticed, but now it is speeding up to real time. Even the Democrats are...
The Confucian Doctrine

Ezra Pound had many obsessions and enthusiasms--literary, philosophical and otherwise. Among which, offhand, Remy de Gourmont, Cavalcanti, Jules Laforgue, Thomas Jefferson, James Joyce, the Troubadours of Provence, T.S....
The No-Show Democrats

Barney Frank, very possibly the most "liberal" member of the U.S. Congress, represents a district in Massachusetts, which state is generally considered to be the most "liberal" State in America. Below we see him in his...
The Explanation, Please
Professional fighting man Colonel Tim Collins, formerly of the Royal Irish Regiment, is wondering what this Iraq adventure, in which he famously took part, is all about. (See below.) He doesn't think “our leaders” have...
Stagger on, weary Titan
There are many striking coincidences and parallels between the late, great British Empire and the present American imperium, which does not call itself an empire. See Timothy Ash's article in The Guardian Weekly below for...
Gaza Free-Fire Zone

The first stage of Ariel Sharon's "deal with the Americans" is a success. (See below.) The world's largest open-air prison has been formalized. Gaza is now a convenient free-fire zone. Granted, it was that before, but now...
A Lie of Historic Proportions

No wonder the Bush boosters, from professional distorter Christopher Hitchens to ex-Senator Zell Miller of Georgia, from the Left to the Right, are having a communal panic attack over Cindy Sheehan. They are scared silly,...
The Deal

The cat is out of the bag. Well, it has been out for some time. Ariel Sharon has explained his current "peace" policies, in particular, the current pullout from Gaza: "I've reached a deal with the Americans." (See below.)...
Nuclear Realities
Leave it to the International Herald Tribune diplomatic columnist William Pfaff to inject a dose of sanity into the burgeoning Iran-is-going-nuclear brouhaha. (See below.) Say, haven't we seen this movie before, not too...
Arnaud de Borchgrave

See below De Borchrave's report on Saudi Arabia. In the meantime, King Fahd has died. American troops have left the Kingdom for bases in Kuwait, Iraq and at various Sheikdoms and Emirates on the shore some years ago. Despite...
Bolton Bounced Upstairs

Bolton to the UN, Wolfowitz to the World Bank, Condi Rice to the State Department, George Tenet out to lunch and unavailable, ditto #3 man at the Pentagon, Douglas Feith, Esq. The pattern in clear: the code of silence....
“Inside Every Israeli”
If the grandiose Mediterranean real estate project known as “Israel” is not an advanced, brazen form of colonialism, in the correct sense of that term, then Karl Rove is an altar boy. I use the word "advanced" because unlike,...
The Vietnam Syndrome
Although Arnaud de Borchgrave was an opponent of the war in Iraq from the start, like his fellow "paleoconservative" commentator Patrick J. Buchanan, the well respected De Borchgrave nevertheless states below, "It is now...
Looney Tunes

I rest my case. The President of the United States has lost his mind. If we assume that Bush Jr. actually believes what he said over the weekend on the subject of Iraq, we are obliged to arrive at that conclusion. (See...
Pants on Fire

Here's an item from a week ago about the "Downing Street Memo", which is still largely ignored or belittled in the U.S. Media. (See below.) The responses of Bush and Blair, standing side by side, are the best evidence I...
1989 Revisited
I missed this revealing item from earlier this month. How did London and Paris ignite WWII? In a word, Poland. With a good bit of egging on by Washington. Below we see the "conservative" Margaret Thatcher and the French...
Mahathir Mohamad

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's comments about the power and influence of world Jewry are remarkable. They dramatize the bizarre nature and yet simplicity of international geopolitics, certainly with respect...
AIPAC Policy Conference 2005

Take a look at the "confirmed speakers" at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's annual "Policy Conference", now underway in Washington. The lineup is a stupefying, bipartisan love feast: for starters, Secretary...
Mossad Agents in UN Iraq Team

Revisiting 1998 for a reason. (See below.) With respect to Mossad and the Tel Aviv connection to Iraq, I am on record many months ago that "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was an Israeli covert operation from the start. Peeling...
Legacy of T.E. Lawrence

From one Empire to the the next, the hallmark has been duplicity. It is routinely stated that the British Officer T.E. Lawrence and the Arabs who fought the Ottomans were double-crossed in the aftermath of the Great War,...
Balfour Ballyhoo

Another puff-piece (see below) on the Balfour Declaration, with the usual telling omissions. For example, just a passing reference to the Great War, in which England was fatally involved at the time of the issuance of the...
Way Over the Line

At what point in time did the citizens of the United States lose control of their own government? With no de facto limits on the American Imperial Presidency and with no accountability whatever for G.W. Bush and his handlers,...
The Legacy of Sharon

The war criminal Ariel Sharon did not just jump out of a cake along with his sidekick, George Walker Bush. There has been plenty of groundwork and precedent. What is new with the Sharon/Bush tag-team is that the mask has...
Malnutrition in Iraq
As pointed out excessively by myself, there is one U.S. foreign policy when it comes to the Middle East. That policy is carried out by both parties in Washington, irregardless of which is in power at the White House or...
Rachel Corrie: 'Let me fight my monsters'

Jesus, Mary & Joseph. The clowns in Washington, at the White House and on Capitol Hill, did not raise a finger in protest or seek an investigation into the killing of this innocent and idealistic young American woman by...
$30 Billion Property Boom in Poland

At the same time [see item below in Tel Aviv's Haaretz] that "freedom and democracy" guru Natan Sharansky [above with U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman] is looking for lost Jewish property in Poland, may I be so bold to suggest...
No Justice, No Peace
Below an item from three weeks ago by Robert Fisk. All the issues he mentions have been around, unconfronted and unresolved, for decades. The current machinations in Lebanon and Syria, the horrors of Iraq, and the assumed...
NATO Reform

The only way to "reform" NATO is to disband it. Naturally, Washington continues to view NATO as "a tool"--to quote the retired German chancellor, Helmut Schmidt. That is the way NATO was set up after WWII--an enterprise...
BushSpeak BigTime

In his first speech during his current "fence-mending" trip to Europe, Bush Jr., aka Emperor George II, has advised his bemused and presumptive European subjects of the following...
"...Our shared...
Assassination of Rafiq al-Hariri
The comments below more or less summarize the official line from Damascus on the car-bomb assassination yesterday of billionaire ex-Lebanese PM Rafiq al-Hariri on the Corniche in Beirut. Earlier, Reuters quoted Rime Allaf,...
Robert Fisk on the Corniche
Cui bono? Why would Damascus want to destabilize Lebanon? Who benefits from another full-scale civil war in Lebanon?
It has been one diversion to the next, right back to the Iran/Iraq war of the...
Doug Feith Bails Out

Douglas Feith, "the dumbest fucking guy on the planet" according the General Tommy Franks, the General who led the charge into Iraq and then quit immediately afterward, is heading for the showers. He's resigning the #3...
Step By Step
Oh what a lovely war. (See below.) In our post colonial world, Ex America is in bed with an unabashed, unrepentant colonialist power intent on further subjugating its native inhabitants. I’m talking about the situation...
Precise Predictions
It is not like Bush Jr. and his crowd were not warned. They were, in the clearest of terms. Here below is an important article from Middle East expert and Council of Foreign Relations fellow, Y. M. Ibrahim, published in...
Israel's Barrier Deepens Divide

Best article I've seen in a mass circulation U.S. newspaper about Sharon's Wall. See below. Well worth the read. All the way through to the end, to find this: "...we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day."...
Kathleen Christison
Between the acts of God and the acts of war, it's a nightmare. Welcome to 2005. In the Middle East, the charade continues, as it must if the politicians in Washington are to keep feeding at the public trough. Should you...
West has Bloodied Hands

Bush II and the neocons are front men, opportunists, and late arrivals. The crux of the Middle East problem goes back to London, Winston Churchill and the Great War, now known as World War I.